October 2017

Secret Weapons of the Creative World


Being a kid at summer camp in the late 70’s was cool for a whole bunch of reasons. For me, the biggest one was turning onto the amazing rock music that was blasting out of the transistor radios of the day— The Who, Zep, Petty, Springsteen, Billy Joel, Journey, Styx. These were the summers when [...]

Secret Weapons of the Creative World2017-10-24T13:00:37-08:00

Why Writers Write


By B. O'Malley This weekend, I was able to interview author, screenwriter, filmmaker, and musician Jeff Leisawitz, who helps filmmakers, screenwriters, and other creative people find their creative voice and inspiration, and get on track towards pursuing their goals. His book, Not F*ing Around— The No Bullsh*t Guide for Getting Your Creative Dreams Off the Ground [...]

Why Writers Write2017-10-03T09:42:40-08:00

August 2017

Two Roads Diverged In A Wood… And We’re Afraid To Take The One Less Travelled


At the end of our days, it just won’t matter what those who don’t matter think of us. Yet, even though each of us knows this, we convince ourselves that their ideas, opinions, and plans for us are somehow more valid than our own. Magazine, Television, the Internet, Social Media, Celebrity Gossip, and, of course, [...]

Two Roads Diverged In A Wood… And We’re Afraid To Take The One Less Travelled2017-08-25T10:07:11-08:00

Lunch with my Guru Dentist, Part 1


My dentist was my guru. As a kid, my brothers and I always went to the same dentist. Dr. Serwin was kind of a strange guy. Big beard. Big laugh. Smelled kind of funny. But he was a great dentist and I always liked him, even when he was drilling into my molars. When I [...]

Lunch with my Guru Dentist, Part 12017-08-16T10:31:14-08:00

The Biggest Lie of the Creative Life


The biggest lie of the creative life is that you have to be inspired to make something great. This is total bullsh*t. Complete horse sh*t. Absolute dog sh*t. Every successful artist, musician and writer knows this is a lie. The romantic version of the lie goes something like this— “I was so so so in love [...]

The Biggest Lie of the Creative Life2017-08-07T18:26:24-08:00

July 2017

The Pleasures of Being Human


The other day I was cruising down the I5 freeway going from Seattle to Olympia to visit Jetta, an old college friend. It was a day off. I was free from the job, the hassle of life in general, everything.  It felt like summer vacation when I was a kid growing up in Pennsylvania. More [...]

The Pleasures of Being Human2017-07-27T11:30:52-08:00

June 2017

Caffeinated Wisdom— Mystic Coffee


As a life coach and independent filmmaker I was inspired to make a short film called MYSTIC COFFEE. MYSTIC COFFEE is about a wise and magical barista who offers advice along with her beverages. As various customers approach the counter to order their drinks, the Mystic Barista puts on a magic ring and becomes enlightened. [...]

Caffeinated Wisdom— Mystic Coffee2017-06-12T09:46:17-08:00

May 2017

A Rock n Roll Take with a Voice of Reason


By Stacie Rose  Dear world…I have recorded five songs for my upcoming album. I am going for a more live feel here. Less over-dubs. Less fuss. More focus on the songs, the mood, and creating the right kinda energy with the right kinda musicians. So far, so great, until I showed up to do a [...]

A Rock n Roll Take with a Voice of Reason2017-05-31T10:41:12-08:00

NFA SuperStar: Marcus Lopés— Chef/ Baker


by Marcus Lopés The creative thing I do just for the pure joy of it is to cook and bake. It's always great to play without feeling the pressure that the world will judge it. So far this week I’ve made apple turnovers (using puff pastry) and Coq au vin. It’s a great release for me [...]

NFA SuperStar: Marcus Lopés— Chef/ Baker2017-05-31T10:41:58-08:00
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