Private coaching for SuperStar authors who are ready to start, finish and sell books that matter.
Process >>>

Identify Goals and Challenges

Untangle Subconscious Blocks

Understand Your ‘Why’

Tap into Your Unique Heart

Create Sustainable Change

Give Your Gifts to the World
SuperStar clients report >>>


Well Being

Sense of Purpose

Enthusiasm and Energy

Beneficial New Habits

- Identify your goals and challenges.
- Untangle subconscious patterns to free up all of your resources and stop self sabotage.
- Understand your ‘why’ to create a meaningful mission.
- Tap into your unique heart to shine your essential self in your work.
- Create sustainable change so that your habits and patterns are automatically aligned with your goals.
- Give your gifts to the world — be seen, expressed and connected.
Can’t quite get your creative juices flowing? Library card maxed out again? Fizzled out before you put the finishing touches on your last chapter?
You can start, finish and sell your amazing stories. Stories that matter.
With relentless positivity, full-on authenticity and a punk rock thunder spirit, life coach Jeff Leisawitz steps you through your challenges to re-energize your mission and vision.
Whether you’re a first time author languishing on your narrative structure, a seasoned pro mired in writer’s block, or someone who’s always imagined living a more expressive, fulfilling, creative life… coaching with Jeff is your best bet.
Using a uniquely intuitive process, Jeff weaves deep questions with verbal/ written exercises, guided meditations, neuro-linguistic patterning (NLP) techniques, and other tools. This proven system creates exceptional results.
It’s time to get off the couch and start tapping it out. It’s time to tune into the cosmic heartbeat that thumps in your chest and shines from your soul. It’s time to write stories that matters— so that you can share your characters, plots and ideas with the world.
Sign up for a complementary coaching session to see how Jeff can help you step into your writing dreams.

“With Jeff’s coaching, I could finally drop my resistance and fear. I could finally write my truth.”
~Bez Palmer, Author/ Illustrator