RocketFuel for WorkPlace Creativity and Innovation
In this workshop we’ll drill into the blocks, fears and bottlenecks that limit individuals and teams from reaching their full potential. With fun and inspiring exercises to stimulate new ideas and creative flows + deep dive explorations, worksheets, personal stories and authentic discussions, this event is a full-on game changer.
- Re-discover the goldmine of your hidden creativity.
- Learn techniques and exercises to nurture your IdeaFlow.
- Dismantle the strangle hold of your Inner Critic, the Fear of Serious, the Fear of Failure and other unseen villains of the creative self.
- Integrate the necessary tools to access your deep creativity— to innovate big ideas, products and services.
> One or two day onsite workshop (or retreat)

“Jeff helped me embrace my creativity (and my weird) and view it as an asset… that thing that sets me apart and makes my work completely unique. Jeff helped me and guided me to a path I never would have taken without him. This guy is the real deal.”
~Nichole Crawford, Entrepreneur