SuperStar VisionQuest is the ultimate NFA program. 

Are you a high level creative who lost the spark? Finally ready to bust into your destiny? Sick and tired of watching the hours of your life disappear without expressing the truth and beauty of your creative heart and/or heart centered business?

SuperStar VisionQuest combines private coaching, custom pieces of top shelf NFA workshops, personalized guided meditations, and other tools into a system that helps you find your center and make rapid, long-lasting changes.

This will change your life.

After applying for a very limited spot in this program (via video interview), we’ll schedule times to meet online— two hour sessions, twice a week for five week. That’s twenty hours of NFA contact time in just over a month. 

During the application process I’ll be vetting for SuperStars who I believe will benefit most from this experience. I’m planning to continue with a 100% success rate, thus I only choose to work with SuperStars who are completely ready to dig in deep, confront their fears, take bold action and move forward in big and beautiful ways.

In SuperStar VisionQuest you will—

  • Re-start your heart, center your power, swap crappy habits into laser beams of productivity
  • Find ‘the why’ that motivates you towards your goals and dreams
  • Untangle the subconscious blocks that keep you stuck
  • Reclaim your truth and power, take real action, step into your destiny

SuperStar VisonQuest is an investment of $10,000. Yeah, it’s supposed to hurt. But it’s worth it. Depending on how many clients I have enrolled each month, I may be able to accommodate SuperStars who need some help coming up with the dough.

And to sweeten the deal, I’m offering a 100% money back guarantee. For real. 

If you show up to every call, do all the homework, give it all of your focus and energy, and take all of the action steps— and you don’t see significant positive change in your internal state and your external world— I’ll put the dough right back in your pocket and do everything I can to raise the bar for myself to become a better coach next time.

I bring my top shelf A game to this process. I expect you to do the same.

Connect to these real live SuperStars to get a real live testimonial.

“Jeff helped me embrace my creativity (and my weird) and view it as an asset… that thing that sets me apart and makes my work completely unique. I completely believe creative dreams can happen, and Jeff helped me believe this, and guided me to a path I never would have taken without him. This guy is the real deal.”

~Nichole Crawford, Artist/ Author/ Entrepreneur

“My time and studying with Jeff has definitely elevated me to a higher level of musical, social, and business knowledge. I’m much more comfortable in my own skin because of Jeff’s mentorship.”

~Brand Parke, Songwriter/ Lead Guitarist— Mister Master

“Every time I speak with Jeff I feel as though I’ve been given a shot of inspiration and reassurance. Since he’s a true artist himself, he truly understands the vulnerability, honesty, authenticity and passion that go into a project. He nurtures his fellow artists by listening, caring, sharing his wisdom and helping people bring their visions to fruition.”

~Stacie Rose, Songwriter, Business Owner

SuperStar VisionQuest

Intensive. Change. Now.