August 2017

Lunch with my Guru Dentist, Part 1


My dentist was my guru. As a kid, my brothers and I always went to the same dentist. Dr. Serwin was kind of a strange guy. Big beard. Big laugh. Smelled kind of funny. But he was a great dentist and I always liked him, even when he was drilling into my molars. When I [...]

Lunch with my Guru Dentist, Part 12017-08-16T10:31:14-08:00

April 2017

The Beautiful Truth About Your Dying Day


                        Every day, every hour, the clock ticks. And whether we like it or not, every breath takes us closer to our deaths. Harsh, I know. But true. Don’t freak out.  I have a point. Since we will not live forever (at least in [...]

The Beautiful Truth About Your Dying Day2017-04-07T10:44:54-08:00
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