October 2017

What Got Me Out of a Creative Funk


                      Film Courage:  At what moment did you say “I’m really going to do this!”  Because we all love to think of these awesome ideas and then they last what, maybe a day, a week, whatever? That is essentially what the book (Not F*ing Around: [...]

What Got Me Out of a Creative Funk2017-10-31T18:10:04-08:00

What Drives a Screenplay?


                      Film Courage:  Jeff, regarding screenwriting, can you talk about the Power of Intention and how a writer needs to check their own intention, either during the writing of the script, before the writing of the script or afterward? Jeff Leisawitz:  Sure.  So we’re all [...]

What Drives a Screenplay?2017-10-31T18:06:11-08:00
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