November 2020

How to Turn a Challenge into an Win


Everybody likes it when things are easy. But it’s the challenges in our work and creativity (and pretty much everything else) that help us step into the extraordinary. When I started writing songs and recording music in the basement during my high school years in the 80s, it was tough going. A crap tape recorder. [...]

How to Turn a Challenge into an Win2020-11-19T15:22:38-08:00

March 2019

The Freshman and Steeled Tipped Boot of NFA


As a teacher and creativity coach, I sometimes need to square up and kick hard with the steel tipped boot of NFA. It can be kind of harsh. But it’s always backed with love.  It’s true. Sometimes people need their hand held. Sometimes people need a nudge in the right direction. Or a cheerleader in [...]

The Freshman and Steeled Tipped Boot of NFA2019-03-28T10:44:32-08:00

June 2018

Cracking the Code of the Structured Jam


When I was a teenager learning to play guitar I was so psyched to learn cover songs. I had this amazing teacher, this long haired 20 something metal dude named Eric Todd. This guy could play. I’d go into the lessons with a song I was into that week. He’d listen to it on the [...]

Cracking the Code of the Structured Jam2018-06-27T15:43:51-08:00

October 2017

Fail Fast. Kick Ass Faster!


Failure is a scary word. Terrifying. Frightening. Paralyzing. But literally every successful musician, artist, songwriter and producer who’s kicking ass will tell you this—the faster you fail, the faster you succeed. In fact, when you step back from your bruised ego, squashed heart and/or tortured soul, you’ll find that “failure” is actually “feedback.” The wise [...]

Fail Fast. Kick Ass Faster!2017-10-31T17:51:30-08:00

August 2017

The Biggest Lie of the Creative Life


The biggest lie of the creative life is that you have to be inspired to make something great. This is total bullsh*t. Complete horse sh*t. Absolute dog sh*t. Every successful artist, musician and writer knows this is a lie. The romantic version of the lie goes something like this— “I was so so so in love [...]

The Biggest Lie of the Creative Life2017-08-07T18:26:24-08:00

April 2017

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