January 2017

Lisa Halpern— Writer


What is your creative mission? My creative mission is about better understanding the human condition in order to reduce suffering – mine and others. It’s about sharing my truth, being an activist and fostering joy. What do you love about what you do? I love that when I head down a path of inquiry, sometimes [...]

Lisa Halpern— Writer2017-01-19T13:01:09-08:00

November 2016

Morissa Schwartz— The Voice of Generation Z


What is your creative mission? I want to heal the world through sharing innovative and inspirational ideas. What do you love about what you do? I love having the opportunity to live my dream through sharing my creativity and collaborating with others daily in a variety of forms. What have you learned from your successes/ failures? [...]

Morissa Schwartz— The Voice of Generation Z2016-11-29T08:30:44-08:00

August 2016

Justin Fulkerson- Novelist


What is your creative mission? My mission, as an author, is to deliver a story that readers cannot quit thinking about. I want them to be taken away from the worries of daily life, to travel into the unknown. What I write is hard to fit into a certain genre. My stories have horror, sci-fi, [...]

Justin Fulkerson- Novelist2016-11-29T08:30:45-08:00

Cālix Leigh-Reign – Author, Creator of Worlds


What is your creative mission? My creative mission is to write books that challenge the norm, cause the mind to think outside of the box, and abolish the word "taboo" in literature.   What do you love about what you do? The freedom: the worlds that I am able to create are limitless.   What [...]

Cālix Leigh-Reign – Author, Creator of Worlds2016-12-02T13:01:24-08:00

Galanty Miller- Author


What is your creative mission? My creative mission is to sell my upcoming novel, "Believe What You Breathe," published by GenZ Publishing. Oh, "creative" might be mistaken for "shameless self-promotion." But, in the bigger picture, semantics are irrelevant. I mean, whatever specific wordage one might use, it's all part of the general "word" genre, which [...]

Galanty Miller- Author2016-12-02T12:55:40-08:00

Spencer Durrant- Novelist/Fly Fisher


What is your creative mission? To tell stories that don't just entertain, but push people to be better than they were before they read what I wrote. What do you love about what you do? The right words can change hearts and minds, and I love the fact that I'm able to spend countless hours [...]

Spencer Durrant- Novelist/Fly Fisher2016-12-02T12:54:36-08:00

William F. Aicher- Author


What is your creative mission? Primarily, I want to create works that are enjoyable but also give readers an opportunity to view things from another perspective. I want to challenge my readers, but allow them to enjoy themselves along the way as much as they can. That doesn't mean I write empty stories, so much [...]

William F. Aicher- Author2016-12-02T12:50:01-08:00

June 2016

Deanna Cabinian— Writer of Charming Books


What is your creative mission? To write charming books that inspire people and make them feel better about the world. What do you love about what you do? I love that it keeps me up at night. What have you learned from your successes/ failures? Just keep creating. Always be producing. Sometimes you have to forge [...]

Deanna Cabinian— Writer of Charming Books2016-11-29T08:30:48-08:00
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