Zoom Parties!

Check it out! Jeff is now doing COMPLEMENTARY Not F*ing Around online workshops for qualified private parties.

What’s the scooby? If you can guarantee four friends (+ yourself) promise to show up, Jeff will book the date and facilitate the workshop. It’s a $500 value! Everyone also gets a free copy of Jeff’s eBook Not F*ing Around— The No Bullsh*t Guide for Getting Your Creative Dreams Off the Ground. 

There’s zero cost to you and/or your friends. The only string is that he’ll be pitching his private coaching services at the end of the one-hour event. Super. Sweet. Deal.

And it gets sweeter. If one of your pals chooses to step into the NFA coaching, you get 100 dollars, American style, as a thank you for the referral. Buy stuff. Or give it back to your pal. It’s all good.

When was the last time you hung out with your friends, learned tools, techniques and ideas to crank up your creativity and ended up with a Benjamin in your pocket?

Book a Zoom Party!


Did you forget that writing angsty love songs lights up your rock n roll heart? Has the day job squashed your desire to pen electric poems, paint abstract flowers, shoot experimental films and/ or amp up any other creative mission that’s languishing on the back burner?

It’s time to switch your phone to airplane mode. Tune in. Take a breath. And tap into the subconscious core of your beautiful heart to re-discover what you love (and why).

Through exercises, stories, a guided meditation and written worksheets, Jeff helps point you in the right direction to move boldly towards your creative dreams.

You’ll walk away with:

  • a deeper understanding of what drives your creative endeavors
  • clarity on your vision, energy in your heart
  • concrete action steps to move towards your creative dreams


The best songs aren’t just about melody, structure and rhythm. Truly powerful songs touch and express the deep hearts of the people who write them.

In this workshop, Jeff revs into exercises, worksheets, a guided meditation and practical steps to amp up your songwriting and keep your pedal to the metal.

We’ll squash the Ic (Inner Critic) that is the SuperVillain of our creative dreams. We’ll learn why it’s a great idea to fail fast. And we’ll dive into a guided meditation to tap into our truth— to mine the gold that can be crafted into exceptional songs.

Learn >

  • how to write songs that matter to you… and your audience
  • tools and techniques to help you touch more deeply into your creative heartspace
  • practical steps to accomplish your musical dreams


Powerful writing that resonates with audiences is always based on an authentic connection between the writer and her words. Learning to tap into our deep truth to let our stories flow with real courage and vulnerability will amplify their emotional power. Bigtime.

This workshop delves into these ideas through discussions, worksheets and a guided meditation. We’ll address the function of failure in our creative endeavors and begin to dismantle the Inner Critic that trips up, crushes and/ or destroys so many creative dreams.Participants will blast through blocks, identify the core themes that drive their writing, and walk away with an action plan to get more writing done.

Learn > 

  • to connect and write about the underlying themes of your life 
  • tools and techniques to tap more deeply into your creative heartspace
  • practical steps to help you accomplish your dreams


Powerful movies that resonate with audiences are always based on an authentic connection between the screenwriter and her stories. Learning to tap into our deep truth to let our stories flow with real courage and vulnerability will amplify their emotional power. Bigtime.

This workshop delves into these ideas through discussions, worksheets and a guided meditation. We’ll also address the function of failure in our creative endeavors and begin to dismantle the Inner Critic that trips up, crushes and/ or destroys so many creative dreams. Participants will blast through blocks, identify the core themes that drive their writing, and walk away with an action plan to get more writing done.

Learn > 

  • to connect and write about the underlying themes of your life 
  • tools and techniques to tap more deeply into your creative heartspace
  • practical steps to help you accomplish your screenwriting dreams


Looking for a sweet gig that could make you some extra dough? Ready to be your own boss? Time to step out with your creativity? 

Creating a fulfilling and potentially profitable side hustle is the way to go. 

A great side hustle reminds you that you have gifts to give to the world. It lights you up because you love doing it. And it’s a way to share your creativity in exchange for some good old fashioned American dollars.

Tune into your creative heartbeat. Craft a compelling and attainable goal. Take real action. You’re pretty much guaranteed to see progress. And profit.

Learn to— 

  • identify the intersection between your passion and profitability 
  • create a basic plan to point you in the direction of your dream 
  • take actionable steps to get your side hustle off the ground

Think you can rally a few pals to get together to be inspired to amp up their creativity? Message Jeff with questions, thoughts or ideas. Or book a date. F yeah!

Book a Zoom Party!


“My time and studying with Jeff has definitely elevated me to a higher level of musical, social, and business knowledge. I’m much more comfortable in my own skin because of Jeff’s mentorship.”

~Brand Parke, Songwriter/ Lead Guitarist— Mister Master

“Jeff helped me embrace my creativity (and my weird) and view it as an asset… that thing that sets me apart and makes my work completely unique. I completely believe creative dreams can happen, and Jeff helped me believe this, and guided me to a path I never would have taken without him. This guy is the real deal.”

~Nichole Crawford, Artist/ Author

“Every time I speak with Jeff I feel as though I’ve been given a shot of inspiration and reassurance. Since he’s a true artist himself, he truly understands the vulnerability, honesty, authenticity and passion that go into a project. He nurtures his fellow artists by listening, caring, sharing his wisdom and helping people bring their visions to fruition.”

~Stacie Rose, Songwriter

“If you’ve ever wanted to change that scorching voice in your head from critic to cheerleader, Jeff knows the hacks to get you there. Whether for a creative brainstorm or a personal need to blast forward on your path, you owe it to yourself to get Jeff into your world.”

Steve Butcher, CEO BrownPaperTickets.com