Mystic Coffee
Jeff Leisawitz2016-11-29T08:30:45-08:00What happens when a stressed out barista finds a magic ring in her tip jar? (Running time 12:00)
What happens when a stressed out barista finds a magic ring in her tip jar? (Running time 12:00)
Ready to slip some poetic affirmations into your subconscious? Feel free to stare at the screen or crank it up (and kick back). (Running time 1 hour)
Got a minute and ten seconds? Watch and get psyched. (Running time 1:10)
You are NFA. Obviously. And the world wants to know how you do it. F*yeah! Once I receive your completed questions, I’ll let you know when we can feature your interview on the blog. Easy. Squeezy. Thanks! If you do not see the form below, please click here to answer the 7questions. >> PS. These [...]
What is your creative mission? Firstly, to continue writing music, exploring various styles, techniques and avenues. Secondly, to create in a variety of disciplines, whether it be music, writing, film, painting, etc. Thirdly, to help others reach their creative potential. Everyone can create, whether they believe it or not, but most people don't know where [...]
What is your creative mission? To foster kindness in the world. What do you love about what you do? I am able to work with a wide range of people (age, gender, race, creed) and help them to find a sweet spot in their lives that they can then share with others. What have you [...]
What is your creative mission? To just find one creative mission! I have so many... At the moment I'm enjoying mastering watercolour for my illustrations (to be used in an online course for natural health practitioners). Would love to learn animation. But also want my novel published (currently collecting dust). What do you love [...]
What is your creative mission? To make things from the part of my brain that is normally quiet when I am living in a day so I can understand myself and my relationship to the world better. What do you love about what you do? The sometimes complicated process that forces me to learn the [...]
Running time (1:14)