October 2017

Overcoming Mistakes and Rejection


                      Film Courage: …And I’m wondering what your take is on rejection because it doesn’t feel so great. Jeff Leisawitz:  I…don’t want rejection but embrace it just like failure.  Failure and rejections are signposts telling you that you are doing something right.  If you are [...]

Overcoming Mistakes and Rejection2017-10-31T18:15:18-08:00

What Drives a Screenplay?


                      Film Courage:  Jeff, regarding screenwriting, can you talk about the Power of Intention and how a writer needs to check their own intention, either during the writing of the script, before the writing of the script or afterward? Jeff Leisawitz:  Sure.  So we’re all [...]

What Drives a Screenplay?2017-10-31T18:06:11-08:00
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