December 2017

Quick Tips to Kick Ass (the NFA Way) Part 2


Making it happen in the creative world can be tough. Forces appear to conspire against us. F* that. The biggest forces conspiring against us are generally within. And we all hold power there. I’ve got my own list of Not F*ing Around bullet points that have helped me navigate the treacherous waters of myself over [...]

Quick Tips to Kick Ass (the NFA Way) Part 22017-12-01T12:55:16-08:00

March 2016

Jamie Jo Hoang— Author


    What is your creative mission? My creative mission is to tell meaningful stories that connect with readers emotionally. The great thing about being a novel writer is that we get to take the reader on an in-depth journey through a singular perspective. My debut novel, BLUE SUN, YELLOW SKY, follows an emerging painter [...]

Jamie Jo Hoang— Author2016-11-29T08:30:50-08:00
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