December 2017

Quick Tips to Kick Ass (the NFA Way) Part 2


Making it happen in the creative world can be tough. Forces appear to conspire against us. F* that. The biggest forces conspiring against us are generally within. And we all hold power there. I’ve got my own list of Not F*ing Around bullet points that have helped me navigate the treacherous waters of myself over [...]

Quick Tips to Kick Ass (the NFA Way) Part 22017-12-01T12:55:16-08:00

March 2016

Ross Barber— Web Designer for Musicians (and other Creatives)


What is your creative mission? To help musicians build an audience, sell more music and book more shows by having an awesome online presence. What do you love about what you do? I love that I can work with artists every day and help to make a difference in their careers. Being a part of [...]

Ross Barber— Web Designer for Musicians (and other Creatives)2016-11-29T08:30:50-08:00
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