October 2017

Overcoming Mistakes and Rejection


                      Film Courage: …And I’m wondering what your take is on rejection because it doesn’t feel so great. Jeff Leisawitz:  I…don’t want rejection but embrace it just like failure.  Failure and rejections are signposts telling you that you are doing something right.  If you are [...]

Overcoming Mistakes and Rejection2017-10-31T18:15:18-08:00

What Got Me Out of a Creative Funk


                      Film Courage:  At what moment did you say “I’m really going to do this!”  Because we all love to think of these awesome ideas and then they last what, maybe a day, a week, whatever? That is essentially what the book (Not F*ing Around: [...]

What Got Me Out of a Creative Funk2017-10-31T18:10:04-08:00

Fail Fast— The Re-Write, Re-Pitch, Re-Dream


Fail fast. I dare you. Fail at writing a decent screenplay. Fail to distill it into a killer logline. Fail to communicate your big idea with that hot shot movie producer.  How do you feel when you read that? Knot in the stomach? Flashes of past trauma? Kinda wanna puke? Yeah, me too. Failing sucks. [...]

Fail Fast— The Re-Write, Re-Pitch, Re-Dream2017-10-31T17:48:09-08:00

Not F*ing Around— The Screenwriter’s Edition


      Writing screenplays is hard work. I know. I’ve written a bunch. Not only do you have to know story structure, dialogue, formatting, tone, pace, and about a hundred other things, you actually have to sit there and do it. Sometimes this is the hardest part. As a professional writer, award winning musician, [...]

Not F*ing Around— The Screenwriter’s Edition2017-10-31T17:41:25-08:00

Why Writers Write


By B. O'Malley This weekend, I was able to interview author, screenwriter, filmmaker, and musician Jeff Leisawitz, who helps filmmakers, screenwriters, and other creative people find their creative voice and inspiration, and get on track towards pursuing their goals. His book, Not F*ing Around— The No Bullsh*t Guide for Getting Your Creative Dreams Off the Ground [...]

Why Writers Write2017-10-03T09:42:40-08:00
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