February 2018

Finding the Perfect in Our Imperfections


I’ve had some pretty shit jobs in my life— working at a metal scrap yard, scrubbing toilets, telemarketing. But I’ve also had some damn good ones. Years ago, I had a gig as a music journalist where I’d review a current album, then go into a studio and read it. They’d take my voice and mix [...]

Finding the Perfect in Our Imperfections2018-02-21T15:27:25-08:00

October 2017

Secret Weapons of the Creative World


Being a kid at summer camp in the late 70’s was cool for a whole bunch of reasons. For me, the biggest one was turning onto the amazing rock music that was blasting out of the transistor radios of the day— The Who, Zep, Petty, Springsteen, Billy Joel, Journey, Styx. These were the summers when [...]

Secret Weapons of the Creative World2017-10-24T13:00:37-08:00

March 2017

Waiting at the Mailbox (for My Rock God to Write Back)


To say that I was a madman, die hard, full-on Styx fan would be an understatement. In junior high I glued all of my Styx albums to the wall (much to my mom’s dismay). I cranked albums like Paradise Theater, The Grand Illusion and Crystal Ball at top volume (also to my mom’s dismay). I even made it from the far [...]

Waiting at the Mailbox (for My Rock God to Write Back)2017-03-27T11:41:06-08:00
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