











When a movie or book changes the way you understand the world, there’s a reason.

When a painting or photograph stirs you at the core, there’s a reason.

There actually may be many reasons, but there’s at least one big one in common— the artist/s who made these things imprint their hearts, minds and souls into their creations. This is no trivial matter.

It’s pretty obvious that when Aretha sang R.E.S.P.E.C.T. she meant it. How much shit had she been through? How much anguish? How much rage and pride and hurt and passion had been boiling inside her before the day she finally got to blast it into the microphone for the world to hear?

If you take the time to open up and really experience any art form, or anything that a human makes, you’ll be able to feel the integrity in it. Or not. Food. Graphic design. The healing touch of a massage therapist. The foam design on a latte. Pretty much anything. Everything.

The human vibe is embedded into all of this stuff on some level. And on some level people pick up on it.

Your intention matters. It affects everything you come in contact with. Everything you do. Everything you make. Every song. Every word. Every person. Every dream.

Mean it like Aretha.



Pop Quiz (all answers are correct)

• What movie, book or music changed the way you understood the world? In what ways?

• In what ways do you Mean it Like Aretha?