Connect with people that you think you might not like or are really different from you. Take classes that aren’t up your alley. It may be difficult to see when you’re in the middle of it, but college is truly a vast playground of ideas and opportunities that are all built around you as a student. This is not gonna happen again anywhere else in your life for any extended length of time. So try to take advantage of it as much of it as possible. It’ll be over before you know it.

Explore, then focus (and keep exploring). 

Be true to yourself first, but be open to others— family, friends, teachers, random humans with sparks in their eyes. 

Be very wary of the messages that the world might be blasting at you on social media, or people that do not have your best interests at heart. Remember, everyone has their own perspective. This may work for them but it’s not necessarily a good idea for you.

When you’re true to yourself, open to other ideas and positive influences, and aligned with your passions, you are always headed in the right direction.

Avoid mediocrity at all costs. If you’re gonna do it, go big- in whatever way that means to you. 

Avoid lame-wads. If a relationship or situation isn’t beneficial for both sides, try to fix it. If that doesn’t fly, drop it like it’s hot. 

Add something of value, always. 

Step up. Get out of your comfort zone in every way you can. It’s much easier and more beneficial when you’re young. And it’s good practice for life.

Avoid regrets by taking risks on things that scare you. Talk to an intimidating person. Blast towards your dreams. Break social norms. Let your freak flag fly. Follow your heart wherever it leads. And balance all of this by including your brain in the conversation.

Nobody likes making mistakes but it’s the only way to get anywhere. Consider failure to be feedback. Ask questions from every direction. There are truly no mistakes if you learn something. And there is always something to learn.

Random people, teachers, parents, friends— they can all tell you stuff, teach you things, give you perspectives. So pay attention. But… 

We really only deeply learn the biggest things through experience. The triumph and tragedy. The love and despair. The laser and haze that is our journey. So be open to experience. And when the world inevitably crashes and smashes your hopes, dreams and desires, it is critical/ imperative/ incredibly important to breathe through it and do your best to keep your heart open. Then step forward again. And again. And again. If you can find joy in the path, you will live free.


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