When a designer makes a new thing, there are always trade offs. 

To make your laptop more powerful, you need to make a bigger battery. That makes the whole thing heavier, bigger and more expensive. 

Make a jetliner bigger, and you’ll be able to stuff more people onboard, but it’ll cost more to fly (whether the seats are filled or not), and it won’t be able to land in smaller airports.

Whether we know it or think about it much, we design our lives. Of course, everyone has different parameters. Some people are married, some are single. Some don’t have much money, some have too much. Some people work a thousand hours a week while some are on the dole.

But within those parameters we make choices. These are the design choices. In your free time do you exercise or click around for another hour? Or do you meditate and write poetry?

The choices we make as we design our time and our lives will have profound results as the years go by. And since time is limited, what we choose to do with it is crucially important. Perhaps some things have to go. 

When we design our lives and our time with intention, we’ll eventually get real results instead of defaulting into a semi-conscious trajectory that may not include our dreams, wishes and desires.

What are you life design choices? How do they help?

Email me. Let’s share. We’re in this together, ya know.