January 2024

My Coaching Process


Recently, a few people emailed and asked about my process as a coach. Good question! Here’s the scoop I work in both an intuitive and systematic way. After deep diving into your goals, motivations and challenges as a creative (and human), we’ll have a fairly good starting point. This assessment tends to bring to the [...]

My Coaching Process2024-01-02T13:23:42-08:00

January 2016

How to Find the Quiet, Clear your Babbling Brain, and Tune into your Truth


                          The world is loud. It is noisy. Distracting. Frantic. Noise is not just sound. Sure, there’s traffic everywhere, TVs and radios blaring, people yapping about this and that at every turn. This noise affects us. It affects us so deeply that much [...]

How to Find the Quiet, Clear your Babbling Brain, and Tune into your Truth2016-11-29T08:30:52-08:00
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