
What is your creative mission?

My mission (a fluctuating thing) is to create a visual representation of the world within myself and to express through images that which evades me in words.

What do you love about what you do?

I cherish flexibility within my lifestyle. Many days I may be strapped to a computer, but that can be anywhere from my living space to a noisy train in India.

What have you learned from your successes/ failures?

Failure is ephemeral. I liken it to a bruise– it may hurt for a brief time, but the pain will soon recede.

How do you keep pushing ahead after a difficult challenge?

For myself a better question is, “How can I *not* push ahead after a difficult challenge?” If something in my work or life feels insufficient, I’m compelled to shake things up. I often jump headfirst into challenges and rarely do things the expected/simple way. Otherwise, I find myself growing dull and restless when I’m not feeling challenged, creatively or intellectually.

Have you ever encountered resistance from family, friends, or the world in general? How did you overcome those kinds of blocks?

I haven’t encountered direct resistance related to my art, although I would certainly expect to if some pieces were ever to be publicized. I create whatever emerges from my heart, regardless of potential opposition, but I’m selective with what I share publicly.

Of course, there are innocuous comments and societal expectations which can grow into nagging whispers if not filed away appropriately in the mind; heavily related to the concept of The Starving Artist, but really bleeding into just about every life choice a person can make. I try to pay little attention to that sort of commentary from those who haven’t even attempted the very thing they are suddenly so opinionated about.

How has your art and creativity healed you?

Much of my work is deeply therapeutic.

I can express emotions and share stories without actually pinning down specifics of whatever it is in my life which I’m addressing. Imagery, often appearing minimal , is heavily coded with symbols and layers of meaning… but you’ll probably have to be lucky enough to find me in person and sit down for a long heart-to-heart to ever learn what’s hiding beneath the surface of an image. This becomes a safe way to avoid that resistance inquired about in the previous question.

What are your NFA Bullet points? What steps would you recommend for anyone who wants to kick some ass and get their creative dreams off the ground?

– Ask yourself what it is you want.

– Now look deep within yourself and ask if you truly want this, or is it a false dream motivated  the world has told you *should* want. (I have a theory that a lot of dreams are never attained because the person never actually wanted that thing in the first place. Dreams, to me, stem from an internal passion whereas desires lie at a more superficial level.)

– Ask yourself now, “What do I REALLY want?”

– Write this down.

– Start talking about it to others. Friends will help you brainstorm, may help open invisible doors, and conversation, in general, becomes a way for you to problem-solve as you hear yourself breathing ideas to life with your words.

– Create goals and/or formulate a plan.

– Envision that place where you want to be any time you make a decision. Which choice will bring you closer to that dream?


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