I am convinced that most of what drives our behavior is seriously affected by our subconscious programming in one way or another.

I’m not gonna go into it in a big way on this post. I’ve done it before. And I suspect I shall do it again. But here’s my point…

To create something great, it must be deeply authentic. Some people have a tremendous capacity to go in deep to write poems, to dance their prayers, to play a guitar solo that echoes the friction of their souls. That’s amazing. But sometimes it’s a bit more difficult to tune into.

As you may have noticed, the world will distract you, knock you around, and f with you in every way imaginable. This tends to affect us in many ways. One of the less obvious ways is that it slowly shuts down our hearts. In fact, it tends to build up a barricade between ourselves and the world. We end up not trusting anybody. We lock down. We don’t even return smiles from strangers on the street. This sucks.

But what might suck even more is that these kinds of things also build a barrier between ourselves and ourselves. I’m talking about our minds, our hearts and our souls. And if we can’t access our hearts, we cannot create anything from a powerful, soulful place. Sucks, right? You know what I’m talking about. It has almost certainly happened to you at one point or another.

I’ve discovered a hack that will help us tap into our truth, into our deep heart. I picked this exercise up in a creative writing class in college and I’ve done it about forty thousand times since I somehow managed to acquire my diploma. Why? Because this writing exercise will help you loosen up your creativity no matter what you’re into— business challenges, chord progressions, lyrical snafus, color choices. Studies show that all creativity is linked somewhere within us. So even if you aren’t a writer, this is still gonna help you come up with some creative solutions.

It’s called ‘speed rapping.’ Start with a computer or a pen and paper. All you have to do is write for ten minutes non-stop. But there are some rules. You can’t stop. You’re not allowed to finish a sentence. In fact, you’re not even allowed to finish a thought. Feel free to get into all kinds of stream-of-consciousness, or jump off rhymes, opposites, synonyms, whatever. Just don’t stop. And by the way, grammar, spelling, and everything else like that are not your concern. A short speed rap might looks something like this…

i write blog posts eh most of the center stool refers back to the attactive element int eh sellers profile miles ahead of the deadbeat credit score more of this at eleven mention my name and blame each water vapor with the shift of your heart center federal message that rolls back into the fractoa.

It doesn’t make sense. And it’s not supposed to. But here’s the hack. If you do this long enough, and  consistently enough, not only will it quietly open your brain cell to greater and wider creativity, it will also start to loosen up the bridge to your subconscious, and to your heart. That means that fragments may appear that indicate things that you didn’t even know were relevant. This is great fodder for various writing projects. It’s also great information that bubbles up into your awareness. Because once it’s there, you’re more equipped to take action. Or heal a hidden part of you. Or make some art from this new discovery.

When you do, you’ll be drawing from a deeper place that is more authentic, vulnerable and powerful. When you take action from this center, or create from this place, everything shines brighter. Simply because it is real for you.


What might be lurking in your subconscious?

What have you gotten out of speed rapping?