Life is rhythm. In fact, all of nature is rhythm. As a bassist, I know this is true.

I often see the rhythms of energy, focus and motivation in my daily life. Oftentimes I’m kicking all kinds of ass. I find the focus, understand my ‘why,’ prioritize my tasks, and step forward. 

Other times, I spin out. Hazy days where I just don’t have the ooomph. Maybe it was crappy sleep catching up to me. Perhaps it was a shift of brain chemicals (or not enough coffee). Maybe it was Mercury Retrograde. Who knows?

What I do know, is that it’s important to honor the rhythms of our live. It doesn’t make sense to curse the skies in July because it’s not snowing. So why beat yourself up when your energy just isn’t happening? 

Be kind to yourself on your dark or cloudy days. It’s okay.

If it continues for too long, yes, there may be a bigger issue. And yes, there is always a solution. But the solution is never to point negativity at yourself.

Honor your process. Look for ways to increase your energy flow, focus and joy. And take bold action.

What is your creative joy? How does it affect your overall life and well being?

Email me. Let’s share. We’re in this together, ya know.