
What is your creative mission?

To be of service, inspire, communicate, amuse myself, and have fun.


What do you love about what you do? 

Pretty much everything. No – everything.


What have you learned from your successes/ failures?

This too shall pass.


How do you keep pushing ahead after a difficult challenge?

Severe allergy to jobs.


Have you ever encountered resistance from family, friends, or the world in general? How did you overcome those kinds of blocks?

Fierce rebellion/love and chanting, “Don’t let the bastards get you down,” during my sitting meditation.


How has your art and creativity healed you?

Ice and ibuprofen.


What are your NFA Bullet points? What steps would you recommend for anyone who wants to kick some ass and get their creative dreams off the ground?

Self-discipline pays off. Big time. Define what you want and divide it into manageable goals. Enjoy the process, practice, the work of it. Sounds oversaid, but stay in the moment during all moments.


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